A “Request for Home Improvement Form” must be completed in its entirety before the start of the improvement and mailed to the address indicated on the form or emailed to boardmembers@falconridge2.org . All pertinent information such as plans, specifications, building permits, locations of the proposed improvements (indicated on a copy of the survey), etc. should be included with the application. The Request for Home Improvement form is available for download (see below documents) by clicking on the link provided on this page. The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) cannot respond to verbal requests for approval – all applications must be made in writing and submitted via mail or email. The ARC has thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of an application in which to respond. If the ARC requires additional information, the application process will be extended accordingly. Plans for the implementation of the proposed improvement(s) should allow for the time required to complete the approval process. No construction should begin prior to the approval. Additionally, should your application be submitted after the fact of construction, the ARC is not required to provide approval, and the unapproved change is deemed to be a violation of the restrictions. You may be required to remove said improvements. If an application is not approved, the ARC will state in its letter why such approval was denied and what type of application changes, if any, would alter that decision. If an applicant wishes to discuss or appeal a decision made by the ARC, the Designated Representative should be contacted in writing. Each Owner is ultimately responsible for ensuring all improvements conform to the recorded restrictions and guidelines. Failure by the Owner to perform modifications and/or improvements in conformity with the recorded restrictions and guidelines subjects Owner to the risk and expense of removal of each such non-complying improvement. The architecture guidelines are available for download at the Downloads section on this page.
Most common permits needed from the city are for replacing fences, driveways, storage buildings, water heaters, roofing and A/Cs.